Sandy Regalo honored as Stanislaus County Mentor of the Year for 2007.
Ms Regalo mentors at Everett Elementary School.
She mentors two 6th grade girls named Lisbe and Esther. Sandy comes to Everett once a week to meet with her students. They are always excited to see her. One student said “Sandy is very nice and makes her laugh.” She also said that Sandy is very giving, which is not surprising as Sandy rarely shows up empty handed. It is very common for Sandy to show up with a special book, holiday treats and/or gifts for the girls.
The students she is currently working with are quite shy and both struggle academically. Their teacher has confided in the reading specialist that he has seen a remarkable difference in their willingness to share out - especially if they have worked on the material previously with their mentor. They have actually said, "I know I am right because I worked with my mentor on that." One time in particular, Sandy and Rick worked on editing and typing poems the girls had written. They spent longer than usual helping them input it into the computer and add graphics to enhance it (they even risked being late for a meeting because they didn't want to leave with it unfinished). The girls teacher said they were so proud to read and share their poems and he really believes it was because of the time Sandy and Rick spent helping them.
Sandy is always so encouraging and makes them feel like the most special thing in the world. It is this extra effort that really helps her protégés take that special feeling with them when they leave her and it helps make all they encounter in their lives a little easier to face.
Sandy Regalo really does give everything she has to mentoring and any student fortunate to have her as their mentor will truly benefit from the experience. Sandy Regalo began her career with Stanislaus County at Superior Court then transferred to the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office. She came to work in the Board of Supervisors’ Division in August of 2000 as a Confidential II. Along with her Deputy Clerk responsibilities she also assisted the Field Representatives with their constituent work, correspondence and covered the phones. In December of 2005 Sandy promoted to the position of Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer.
Kathy Davis honored as Site Coordinator of 2007.
She is a tireless worker. And an unflinching advocate. The same high levels of skill, quality, commitment and responsibility that she applies to her paid job, she brings to her volunteer efforts. And the same passion that she holds for being a mentor—and a site coordinator—is reflected in her daily work. She is always there. She is committed to serving, and especially serving children. And so, she became a mentor when this program started and has served as her department’s site coordinator ever since.
Her focus as a mentor and site coordinator is on reading, the greatest gift one can give a child! She tirelessly, resolutely, incessantly, unceasingly! applies her powers of persuasion to recruiting coworkers as mentors. She brings “her kids” to library staff meetings to apply pressure on her coworkers with that loving touch. She knows that the future belongs to these children and she wants to do everything she can to give them the ability to meet and control that future. And she says her goal is to obtain a higher percentage rate of mentors than the CEO’s office!
County Background:
Kathy Davis was first hired by the County as a substitute for the Library in September of 1987. In March of 1988 she was hired as a full-time Administrative Clerk for the Oakdale Library where she worked until the County Library initiated reduction in force layoffs in 1993 when she went to work at the Family Practice Clinic. When the library sales tax passed in 1995, Kathy came back to the library as a Library Assistant in charge of the Keyes branch. In 1999 she was promoted to Clerical Division Supervisor overseeing the Library’s central circulation department in Modesto.